RM10: Descendancy List won't create a location index

RootsMagic 10: I created a descendancy list, and it created the name index with no problem. It won’t create the location index although the option is shown - I’ve tried several times. I even clicked on “no index” and back to index w/2 columns. Is there something I’m missing?

The default Descendancy List does not show any places. Under those circumstances, there will not be a place index because there are no places.

There are options to turn on places. If you choose one of the options that includes places and if you turn on the place index, then there will be a place index.

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well, my face is red. new to RM and for some reason didn’t notice that. thank you so much!

Part of the reason is that for many of the options in the Publish screen, it’s hard to tell that an item is offering you a choice of options rather than just being a label. For instance, there is no chevron at the end of the line or a different shade of gray or 3 Dots icon or Pencil icon anything like that which suggests that the item is clickable and that there are options under the click. After you click on it, you can see the options. But it’s virtually impossible to tell that it’s clickable unless you just blindly try clicking on it to see what happens.