Repository call number

I have recently upgraded from RM 7 to RM 9.
In RM 7, when assigning a repository to a source, I could specify a repository call number which would only apply to that source. Thus, several sources (e.g. wills) could refer to the same repository (e.g.National Archives of NZ) but with different call numbers (e.g. order reference no.).

Under RM 9, it appears that all repository information is fixed and cannot be qualified for each source. The repository call number, previously entered, is not displayed anywhere, except for the following:
If I select a source report listing and specify ‘Repositories’ and ‘Repository addresses’, the output includes the repository name followed by the Repository call number.
If I deselect "Repository addressses’, the call number is not displayed.

I am not that concerned about the non-display of the cal number, but would like to remove it if no longer applicable to RM. However, as it is not displayed on any of the edit forms, I am unable to delete it.

BTW, so far as I recall, i converted by exporting the RM7 database and importing it to RM9.

What does that mean, exactly?

Typically, an export and import cycle implies something like GEDCOM. The preferred way to convert from RM7 into RM9 is for RM9 to import your RM7 database directly. There is no actual export. I suspect that’s what you did, but I wanted to double check.

In terms of Archives New Zealand, when you click on addresses and choose Repositories (building icon need to envelope; see screenshot below), what do you see in the Archives repository address and is there more than one, many Archives repositories each with a call number as an address?

My thought is that each call number is a separate address having the same name of National Archives of New Zealand. I could be wrong.

Your observation is correct. The field that you entered the Call # in RM7 does not exist in any edit form in RM9 but the values were transferred from RM7 to the Details column of the RM9 AddressLinkTable and are still retrieved by the Source List Report. I would think that the absence of edit access is a development omission.

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Correct. I could not remember exactly how it was done, but RM 9 did the conversion for me (certainly no GEDCOM).

Thanks for the explanation.
Hopefully, it will be removed from the source report eventually.

I wonder if that is desirable. At least, the Call#s were preserved through the upgrade and are retrievable through the Source report. Absent that report, the data is lost to the users, some of whom might consider theirs more important than you do yours.

I also wonder if the developers have removed the ability to add/edit Call#'s deliberately. Many of the built-in source templates have a Repository and Repository Location field in them which are incorporated in the Footnote sentence. I don’t recall if any have a Call# field but, if they do, then that would or could be an alternative storage location.

Call Number does not seem to be a variable in any of the built-in source templates, unless the variable name goes by something other than containing the string “call” which only returned matches such as “automatically” and “chronologically” from the XML field definitions.

So all data that was entered in the “Call number” field of the Repository tab of the RM7 Edit Source window was stored in the Details field of the database’s AddressLinkTable.

On upgrade to RM8 or RM9, that data was preserved but the Repository forms provide no access to it and the data is invisible on all interactive screens, appearing only in the Source List Report when the report options for both Repositories and Repository Addresses boxes are checked.

One cannot delete these values via the user interface because they are inaccessible. An indirect way would be to open the Addresses View, select the Repositories sub-view, select the Repository that has the unwanted Call numbers, click the Used field under Other in the Edit Repositories pane to slide in the list of links, remove the link to a Source having the Call number and then adding a new link to that Source. If the Call number is important, then you would have to copy it from the Source List report to some field that you deem appropriate in the Master Source. Repeat for each such Source.

A SQLite query on the database could swiftly clear the inaccessible Call numbers. One a little more complex could also transfer the values to a Source field.

Thanks for looking into this.
Happy to live with things as they are.

Confirming the issue with hidden Call #'s has been reported to development.

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