"Recently changed" criterion group very valuable

Having posted a few gripes and suggestions for improvement in RM9, I would like to post about a feature which I find extremely useful (and to credit @thejerrybryan for suggesting it to me in another post.)

This feature is the abilty to create groups based on criteria and in particular a group that you can create of all people amended after a date that you specify.

I have created such a group and periodically amend the cutoff date (often to yesterday’s date) and refresh the people in it. This group can then be used to filter the index, the people list and very helpfully the treeshare view.

As I create new people in RM by transferring them from Ancestry with treeshare, I can update the view to show only the new people and go back into Treeshare to review all the people I have just created. Doing this yesterday, I spotted three marriages that I had missed - a surprise as I thought that I had been extremely careful - and which I would certainly not have spotted otherwise. I can also use the same filter on the error list which is also very useful.

It would be great if I could also use this filter to match with FamilySearch, but alas the index there cannot be filtered by groups.

This sounds very intriguing. What criteria do you use to capture recently changed people?

Date edited

When in Family Central click on the Filter Off button upper left; You can choose to filter your list by groups.

can’t you use dates like this?

Criteria groups in general can be a great tool. Especially now that they are refresh-able.
You can also create groups via SQLITE – but more complex criteria that RM currently does not (yet) allow for.

The SQLITE created groups are basically the same as a manual MARKED group – and not refreshable within RM


Many thanks @alainemk. I had missed that.

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