Hi, Just wondering how people record their quick and dirty trees.
Do you start a separate database for each match, or do you add each tree as a floating tree within the main tree.
Hi, Just wondering how people record their quick and dirty trees.
Do you start a separate database for each match, or do you add each tree as a floating tree within the main tree.
Never heard of a quick and dirty tree BUT after doing some research, I personally would think you would want to put it in a separate database-- then when you find how you are related, you can update the info with sources/citations, more facts etc and drag and drop the line into your database. To me it seems like it would be easier to update the info in a separate tree than in your real database making sure all the individuals were update as you MIGHT miss someone in your real database…
not sure what you mean (definition) or the objective.
If you mean to review a quick temp tree - yeah I have done that (usually just to review a lineage and something would only work on for less than 1 (or most 2 days)
(from more distant cousin for example).
I create a New database using the person’s name (ie: Thomas Johnson). Sometimes I keep it, sometimes I delete it. Usually don’t merge into my main database.
My main RMagic database is one huge Q&D tree but not quite as dirty as that sounds. It is purely for investigations of DNA matches.
So ALL in one tree. Heaps of floating branches.
In that database I build trees for DNA matches from their pedigrees, whatever hints I can ferret out, and work back until I’m back at a level someone SHOULD be on FamilySearch.
I then use that extensively, tidying up FSrch as necessary before matching them to the appropriate person in RMagic.
It’s a magic moment when you work back a generation and there in the comparison the parents already show as already “matched” to someone in the tree. I’ve generally hit gold at that point with a potential connection.
At which point, depending on who / where / why they are of interest, I switch to my much more formally documented trees eg Ancestry for researching properly with sources and if all passes muster at that point, into my main personal private, off line fully sourced database.
Hope that helps and gives you some ideas.
I run a separate tree. I recently got a mtDNA result with some concrete name matches who are nowhere in main my tree. So,I am starting another tree and working backward to see if one day the two trees meet. If they do, I will merge one into another. But for the time being, I like the separation.
Thank you everyone for your help.
My Master tree is a clean tree. I have 2 separate databases for building Q&D trees - one for Maternal and one for Paternal DNA matches (since my ancestors come from completely opposite ends of the country otherwise I’d only have one). Within these 2 databases I have floating branches. When I confirm a line I can drag and drop into my clean Master tree.
I have one master tree on RM7 which I backup at least daily and rebuild indexes frequently. I never use Tree Share or drag and drop. When I receive possible Ancestry common DNA matches, I explore the ThruLines and if they make apparent sense, I add the lines to my master tree. For the most recent few generations, I use the Ancestry match (exact name) as the source of the information. That way if possible conflicts arise as time goes on, I can easily find the Ancestry database for the match person. Over a several year period, I have solved several conflicting lines and been able to contact individuals with major problems in their lines as well as cleaning up some of my own mistakes.