Question on Sentence for Chapter Reports in Books

Good Afternoon

I only used book previously to make a couple quick set of reports.
The past week I am making an “actual” book. Maybe I am missing something – when chapters are added to a book - do any of them allow for an type of sentence to be added to title (or any where else for that matter)

Such as this – for couple or individual (depending on type or report)


if not-- has this enhancement been reported to development?

thanks Kevin

FGS Title Block can hold 60 characters which could be a sentence.

The Comments block which appears by the Preparer can hold six lines each with 45 characters but you cannot do any formatting such as paragraphs.

So unlike regular report – nothing like below can be used with books chapters?
Person of [Person]
Couple of [Couple]

It doesn’t seem so based upon limited testing which you can also do.

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That is what it seemed like to me… but was wondering if I was missing anything.

@rzamor1 Are they Enhancements/Feature request with development for:

Sentence language for title (and/or other part of Chapter for books)
Batch add people to chapter

Yes, on the use of [Person] and [Couple]
Not sure what the batch add people to chapter is though.

rather than copy chapter one at a time (or add) then update the title and person (or couple).
Could it work similar to Add Multiple Witness Role or Mark People ?

The Selected chapters would be copied with/for those select people (say 20 people for example)
Another option might be for groups - however that would be risk if a person selected a group that had large # of people.(so a cap of maybe 100 would be needed for that to not overload things)

does that make sense?

OK, I see what you’re asking.

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