Book Publisher - longer chapters

The layout design of the chapters – seem to be difficult if you are trying to do anything but a few chapters.
Here it is difficult to know which belongs to which person etc. (Should not need to drill down to view in my opinion) This makes reordering difficult (should show the person id# without needed to drill down (unless needs to be modified).

Also - it would be nice to have a Fan Charts and some others which I believe are on the request list.
One other question – which is the book info stored? it does not appear appear to be part of the config etc tables.


Book specs are stored in the ConfigTable in the database file.

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ah thanks! yes , that make sense – I guess I missed that before when I looked

In the Settings for each chapter add the name of the person to the title.

where ?
I do not see how to edit titles on chapters of reports – only on other sections text/ Cover page and so on.

The depicted Title (currently shown as ‘Descendant List’) can be edited by clicking that right arrow greater than sign… to become ‘Full Descendant List of John William Ellis’


Ah-- I missed that – I thought I tried that before and it did not allow.
It would be nice if it defaulted to start person etc.
