
Is anyone having trouble today [Oct. 18] accessing their Published websites in RM8? I can get in to the master page listing my sites in MyRootsMagic Account. The sites are listed correctly. But, when I try to access the Settings for each of my sites, RM8 does not open up the Settings, it just opens up another page of MyRootsMagic Account.

Also, going to the actual site [not the settings for the site, but the actual site] indicates that some of the settings for that site are NOT working. In particular, many of my sites are Views of the main database, and one of the settings for the site is to limit the persons shown to those in a group that I defined in RM8. I then set the view site to allow only that group to show. Until midday today, that was working properly. Now, for every view site, the limitation to the defined group is not active, so the entire database is listed in the names.