People names in the Select field when trying to choose a field

When attempting to create a rule for a new group, I found that many names of people in my tree, alongside regular choices, show up as options. How did I get them there and how do I remove them?

not sure your post is clear on what you mean or need… can you post examples/ screenshots.

I’m a bit clumsy with tech. Here’s what I’m looking at: names and fields.

Understood – it looks Like you have some “Weird” facts. That maybe have come from an import.
You could simply remove the fact entirely (it will remove all traces from any where the fact is linked). You might want to remove what those are. Also make backup before you make any changes in case you make a mistake.

Under tools sections you can remove fact “Susan…” like this

you can use Advanced search and/or create a group
just replace Title with Susan etc and use exist

Make a Backup first.
Before doing anything I would look to see where (if) these are used, There might me information you will want to keep.

Thank you. I removed facts. As I went through the list, it looked like these were added from Ancestry. I’ll keep an eye on how, when, and if this happens again.

And I most certainly did a backup first.

My records look much better. Success!

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Glad you got it to work!