Not Found Files

It’s some years since I did any family history but I have just bought a new laptop and have transfered my RM on to it and interconnected the harddrives from my two old desktops.
I’ve being trying to sort out some of the ‘Not Found’ files but without success but find in curious that an image is shown of the file but neither I nor the program can find the original. Howcome?

Tiny thumbnail images are created and saved with the database whenever a full-size media item is first linked. You’re seeing the thumbnail. As long as that full-size media item has not been renamed or had it’s filetype extension changed… RootsMagic should be scanning your storage devices (including those old harddrives) for those exact same named files, if they’re there. You can use Windows File Explorer which has a filename search block in its upper right corner to avoid the time waiting for full scanning to take place (or use a program like Everything by VoidTools). EDIT: I should have added that RootsMagic would only be scanning IF the Fix broken links function has been invoked.

Thanks KB. I had been thinking that as the image was somewhere on the computer I could use it to recreate the original.
However the Everything program looks interesting. I’ll give it a go.

Also, if your thumbnail images have a red “x” , you can use the “Fix Broken Media Links” (under 3 vertical dot menu in Media) to search your folders and relink the thumbnail images to the files. Use a high level folder (i.e. pictures or documents to search your computer).

Thanks to both.
Am impressed by ‘Everything’