New: FamilySearch Brief History comes in as Life Sketch fact now

Continuing the discussion from New RootsMagic Update (10.0.3):

can one elaborate on what that means exactly?

If you scroll down on the FamilySearch Family Tree details page you will find the Life Brief History. This is what the user adds to the person. It will show as a fact in the FamilySearch Person Tools to add. The Fact name now appears as Life Sketch, earlier it was showing with different fact names that were not correct. FamilySearch sends the text as a fact description. If it’s a large note its best to then copy and paste if from description to notes. We left it as FamilySearch had it, and don’t force it to automatically go to notes because it would continue to show as a mismatch.

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Are the FS Brief Life Histories auto generated by FS or created by FS users? I thought I saw a comment somewhere in FS mentioning computer generated. I have many Life Sketches saved as Memories in FS. Should they be copied to the FS Brief Life History? (Or should I asf FS about this?)
Also, It sounds like you are telling us the FS Brief Life text is not auto-populated into our ancestor’s Life Sketch Fact. We’ll need to click the box and had it added to the RM side of the Person Tool.

The FamilySearch “Brief Life History” is not auto generated. It is added by the user. I only know of adding it at the bottom of the Details page on FamilySearch. After it is created it shows on the About page too. It will then show in the FamilySearch Person Tools as a Life Sketch that you can add to RM.

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