Importing a FamilySearch source (RM9)

I am not using FamilySearch to create/maintain my family tree. I am using RootsMagic 9 for this.

I am however using FamilySearch to look up information for members in my RootsMagic tree. I found a source in FamilySearch (via their website) that has information (including a picture of the original document) for someone in my RootsMagic 9 tree. How can I import this source from FamilySearch? It is not associated to person on FamilySearch so there is no “person number” as I have not created a FS tree. I do have the webpage link to the record.

Thank you. I look forward to your suggestions!

The following might help:

Create a folder on your desktop to receive data of interest.

Log in to FamilySearch and navigate to the information of interest.

Cut data items from the record of interest and paste them into the desktop folder as separate images (.jpg, .bmp, etc) or files (.doc, .pdf, etc).

Keep a copy of the path to the original information for future use so that you can easily get back later if needed … …

… … and record details of where the information came from (the source) to assist with citing the source – you may find a source citation associated with the record.

With all the information now on your computer it can now be moved to an appropriate file in your RootsMagic Media folder.

Now you can proceed to LINK each data item to the relevant person(s) or facts in RootsMagic

as ‘images’ or ‘files’ dependent on their file type.

Please ask further if any of the above raises questions.

When you bring up a record in Family Search it gives you the option to copy the citation as highlighted here:-

You can then use it to create a source by pasting or paste it into the details section.
If you’re lucky enough to find an image of the original document it has a download button as per highlight:-

Just save it to your computer and attach it as a media file.
Hope that helps.

Hello Victor,

As a fellow user, I’d really appreciate it if you do add that person to the shared tree. It’s not one that you have to create, because it’s already there. And when you’re logged on, and it’s an indexed source, the site can create the person for you, and everyone else.

When you do that, RM 9 can import the source for you, in the right format, but even then, you will still need to download the scan, and attach that to the source in your own RM tree.

Thank you for your help. I will keep both suggestions in mind.