New RootsMagic Update (10.0.3)

  • Fixed: Entering information after running the Relationship Chart report would be lost when exiting RM.
  • Fixed: Adding a Relationship Chart to a Publisher book would lose new chapters entered after running a copy of the book
  • Fixed: Deleting all fact types from the “Customize Add Person” Form wouldn’t allow you to add new fact types to the form
  • Fixed: Opening a second database while on the Descendant view would crash in the 64-bit version
  • New: FamilySearch Brief History comes in as Life Sketch fact now
  • FS dates set as 08.09.14 now import based on standardized date.
  • Fixed: Legacy import handles task importing better
  • New: Copy fact in the Edit Person screen now lets you copy a fact back to the same person
  • Fixed: Issue with some Unicode characters in HTML website creation
  • Fixed: Family Health History report could display incorrect grandparents in certain situations
  • Fixed: Numerous minor issues
  • Fixed: Cosmetic issues