Multiple families with same surname

Thank you, very helpful.
I was unaware of the added links you provided; and every ‘bit’ is appreciated.
(When I started in IT [~ 40 years ago], manuals were a standard offering with apps, even if they were written by developers in their geek-speak. Now, I would die for a halfway decent set of documentation. I’ll have to look into it and see if there is an existing app to take input/comments/responses in forums such as this and has a way of parsing all the content for common subjects [or related strings of words] and filtering it all, at least into a composite that can then be edited. … Just a thought.)

Thank you. Helpful, but still wondering if some new feature could be coded into the next RM version.

That last link you provided looks like it could be very valuable. Thanks again. Will take some time to sort through it.