"Military" fact - How do *you* use?

I have a number of individuals for whom I have documented their military service (usually Civil War) by using a combination of the Military and Misc facts. For example, this is my GGG-Grandfather, William:

I currently reserve use of the Military fact to note the actual time in service for the individual, with Misc facts detailing various notable events that occurred during that time period. I also slightly tweaked (though still a WIP) the Military sentence template to detail that service.

But I’m curious if this is how other people use the fact, or if you use it to also document those notable events (as I have otherwise done with Misc)? I’m also torn on whether I should include information about the pension William received—e.g., application and certificate numbers, or dates of filings for increases—as a Military fact (since it resulted from his military service) or leave them as Misc?

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You can create a custom Military Fact if you want. One for Mil Draft, or Pension if you want to separate the the reasons for the military info – then you can have different sentences for each. I would not use MISC. Example


If the data relates to his military career then they should all be as his separate military facts with the full data in the notes as well. Also If there is an address etc then that can be put in a residence fact etc with the source being the document it was found in. Similarly if it mentions any family data, that can be put in a fact for that family person and the source as Mr X Y’s military record ZZZ. etc. I use this a lot.
Richard in dark cold England.

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I created the following Fact Types in addition to the default “Military”…
Military Discharged
Military Draft Registration
Military Enlistment
Military Muster In
Military Muster Out

I realize that “Enlistment” and “Muster In” are pretty much the same thing, but when I created these facts I was mirroring what the record indicated.

Additionally, I use Groups to identify the specific conflict in which the individual participated.
Civil War, Confederacy
Civil War, Union
French and Indian War of 1754-63
Spanish War
U.S. Revolutionary War
War of 1812



stay warm :slight_smile: but in my home state of New Hampshire (USA) they set a record wind chill of -108 below

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Lots of possibilities based on need and personal preferences.
You can also SQL to check if person was alive, died or born at time of war event (of course died during the time the war does not mean the war cause death in any way).

I’ll bet it was at Mount Washington—I understand it’s notorious for freaky weather conditions

I thought “enlistment” was the act of enrolling for service, while “mustering in” was the actual reporting for duty?

you are correct !! — and probably the avg person not from NorthEast would not know that. :slight_smile:

yes I believe that is mostly accurate – enlistment happens before mustering - if you ever have been on a cruise – you have to report to your assigned muster station. In Military you need to report for duty where you be given your assignment(s) etc. is my understanding

Thanks for the clarification!

I’m a science nerd, and I like reading about extremes! I know the location also held the world record for highest wind speed ever recorded on Earth until the late 90s (and I thinks it’s still the highest in the continental US)

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Lol yes – it was 1996 (same year Wife and I were married) - I forgot where it was