Kinship reports improvements

I suggest that the Kinship report be modified to enable the selection of both the start person and the person of interest. You could make it a drop down option so that you could either get a single person or everyone. This would significantly reduce the number of trees killed if the report were printed and allow the determination of kinship between two people when there is no genetic relationship. I just ran the report for my daughter (96 pages) to find the relationship with the spouse of a 7th cousin.

Look at the Relationship Chart. It will show the relationship between two people.

Relationship chart only shows genetic relationships, Kinship allows the reporting of spouses of relatives, e. g. Spouse of second great grandmother.

I’m just glad that the Kinship List in RM 9 is correct–showing male spouses of the female relative correctly ie spouse of mother rather than in RM 8, it was showing all of the husband of the mother as father of her kids…

That said @BobC, I understand what you are saying as some of my Kinship list are 15-30 pages long ( and with abt 30 databases that could add up to a lot of pages ) BUT with today’s technology, you really don’t need to print the Kinship list off UNLESS you want it in a paper copy of a REPORT or BOOK…

A lot of times, if I just want to see how 2 people are related, I just run the report and check it out-- then if It said something like spouse of the 3rd g-grandmother, I would go look him up in my file and see what was there.
if say my niece wanted a copy of the Kinship list, I could make a pdf or word report and email it to her–I am told she could open it with her phone ( BUT I don’t know anything abt this)…

That said, I could see where someone MIGHT want a Kinship List l that works like the RELATIONSHIP CALCULATOR…

Even better would be to show the relationship/kinship between a specific person and another in the same manner and place that relationship is shown on the Person portion of the various displays of the People View. They already have written the code for this in two different locations and only need to combine the code. Then give people the option of what to display.


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