Getting the most out of RootsMagic 9 ebook

I am sorry if this questions has been asked before but I was unable to find any forum posts.

Are there any plans of an electronic version of “Getting the most out of RootsMagic 9” book as a pdf being made available (similar to the RM7 version where users can purchase a key and use that to download a copy)?

Or alternately, given that the physical book is sold through Amazon, would a kindle version be preferable (than a pdf) so that people could choose between a paperback or kindle version, both through the same reseller?

The only reason I ask is that I noted some comments in the forum (Getting the Most out of RootsMagic 9 - Has the quality of the book been improved?) on the grayscale printing in the physical book being hard to read by some people and that printing quality varies across print runs.

An electronic version allows for scaling up to enlarge font size for people with eyesight issues (such as me), it is also in colour (as a pdf) and I would imagine be cheaper to reproduce.

I know that some people prefer a physical book but I was just wondering if an electronic book could be made available in the future.

I have not heard of any plans one way or the other on a ebook or kindle version of “Getting the Most Out of RootsMagic 9”.

Thanks for letting me know Renee. I will keep using the RM7 book where it is applicable, in addition to the instructional videos and online help.

The amazon print RM9 book is useable and some people luck out and get a decent copy. You really need this over the RM7 manual. It would be very easy for rootsmagic to make and sell a pdf version like they did for rm7 but they seem to have no interest just like there is no intent to have a universal code mac version to avoid rosetta translation.