Feature request - copy and paste for facts

I liked how in v7, when selecting a person it would show the immediate family along with parents.
In v10 you need to select Parent or Spouse Tab and then click on Children to see them.
Maybe the option to Copy To Family is in the future. Yes pros & cons but who knows.

When copying a fact select Mark, Families to include all the family members. If you have some you don’t want to include then view them on either the Parents or Spouses tab. Enter their RIN in the search box and uncheck them.

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I found what you are describing and that sounds like a solution. I’ll be trying that at the next census record. . . :grinning:

That worked very well! thank you.

As Renee mentioned, the Copy to Family function already exists.

However, I don’t think it’s very useful in practice because you have to uncheck the family members to which it doesn’t apply - such as children in the family who have not been born yet or children who are already adults and who are living in their own separate homes. I find it just as awkward to check all the family members and then uncheck some of them as it is just to check only the correct ones in the first place. And it’s very easy to uncheck the wrong ones. So what I do right now is check just the correct family members in the first place, even though I find doing so very awkward.

I do know how it works and I do use the Parents and Spouses tabs in order to make it work for me. Knowing how to make it work and actually using it to make it work doesn’t make it any less awkward to use.

Yup. . . after my first several attempts with the “Mark” – it is still clumsy. It still provides the entire list of everyone. I was expecting when checking “families” and with spouse of – that it would show only the children of the couple – wrong . . . still have to sort through them all to uncheck the one or two individuals not in that particular census. . . .

To clarify my Copy to Family suggestion … I was thinking of a Menu option so when you right click on a fact, it would be there and you would not have to select the people but rather the program would just do it for you :slight_smile:

Again there are pros & cons.

I agree. Sometimes it is the way it is.

I can’t find it right this second, but I once posted a mockup of how the RM Explorer screen might be changed to better accommodate the marking of individual family members. Here is how it might work instead of the way it works now.

  • The left hand panel with the index of names would remain unchanged in appearance and function.
  • The right hand panel would be completely changed and would no longer have three tabs. Instead it would have no tabs at all.
  • The Details tab would be replaced by an Edit icon so you could go into the Edit Person screen for the person. This exact same functionality exists in a number of other places in RM, especially in the “Used” screens. You could use Edit Person to edit, and you could use Edit Person just to look.
  • The Parents and Spouses tabs would be replaced by something that looks just like the contents of the Family Tab in the sidebar except that it would be in two columns to take best advantage of the available screen space. One column would be for the spouses and children. The other column would be for the parents and siblings.
  • Clicking on someone in the right hand panel would highlight them there and also highlight them in the left hand index of names so you mark them selection. Even better would be if you could just mark them from selection directly in the right hand panel.

This doesn’t sound to me as if it would be too difficult to implement, especially since everything I’ve talked about already exists somewhere else in RM. And it would not remove any of the existing marking and unmarking capabilities in the left hand index of names. I think this kind of change would benefit all uses of RM Explorer, not just its use in copying facts.

I copy and paste mine into notepad and then copy that into the note field. Might be a bit tedious but it works

That’s very different than copying a fact. When you copy a fact, it copies everything - the fact type, the date, the place, the place details, the description, the proof, the primary flag, the private flag, the sort date, the note, the sources, the media, the tasks, and the addresses.

That is exactly what I do. Whatever the fact is, however long it is.