I cant see my fan Chart, when i press publish anyone else having this Issue
Did you click on the “Generate Report” button at the bottom left?
There is no generate report button, or fan chart button just all reports, pedigree chart , Narrative Report , and Birthday Anniversary list
It sounds like you’re missing some. Are you using the MAC version?
No im using the windows version
now i have another family tree of different people and when i pressed it said has to be installled from roots 7 to roots 8 and in that one i have is all reports and charts, pedigree chart,family group sheet, narrative report and the hey presto fan chart but this option is not in my other family tree group
Strange. Maybe contact Technical Support.
Are you clicking on “All Reports and Charts” Button? It would show with an > indicating it is a dropdown. On the Publish tab itself in addition to the All Reports menu, the last used reports are retained as a quick “shortcut” button.
thanks it worked … …