I’m not sure what fact type to use in this case. someone moves to another town and as a result changes the church he goes to. there is procedure for this in which he is accepted by his new church (lidmaat). I’m not sure how this translates in English but i hope I make sense. i hope someone has a good suggestion for this too.
There is a religion fact, you could add the date when they changed locations.
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You could use the Religion fact–so you would have one fact that says he was a member of this church and put a range of dates such as 1920-1945, the name of the church in place details and type of religion in description— then create a 2nd Religion fact with the next range of dates 1946-1985 and under description besides type of religion say he relocated and was accepted by this church…
Otherwise you could create a Custom fact basically using the format of the religion fact BUT can write a more personalized sentence if you want such as using the term lidmatt ( but also defining what it means)…
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