Exported to Excel but cannot sort

From RM10 I have exported (via Publish) some data to an Excel (xlsx) spreadsheet. When opened it had filters already in place. If I remove the filters and select all or some rows, the sort option is not available to me. I found that cells were locked but unlocking them did not help.

If I export to a .csv file and open it with Excel adn save it as an xlsx file I don’t have a problem but why should I have to do that when the above facility is available?

Any ideas please? Can anyone replicate the issue?

This sounds like you are not familar how Excel works.
You can add filter back or make it a table (Ctrl +T), Make sure you save as XLSX . If you save as CSV it wont save the excel settings. not sure if that is what is happening. CSV is just simple text file with the none of the excel stuff.

[EDIT] Clarifying this is not RM’s fault - it would the Fault of the user if they save in wrong format.

Just to clarify, did you save the file from RM as *.xlsx or as *.csv? The reason I ask is that Excel can read either format.

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Yes it was a Table issue which I have sorted with the help of Mr Google. As regards ‘fault’, I would just say that it is a tad unhelpful for RM to export data to an all-singing-all-dancing Excel format when many users might not expect that (although I am sure the designers thought they were being helpful).
I am already frustrated by the bugs in RM10 as it is.

I tried both options. I now know how to deal with the issue.
If anyone else finds this thread, put the cursor somewhere in the data (table) and the Table Design menu will appear at the top. Then select ‘Convert to Range’.

can you show screenshots to illustrate the issues? also where you are “publish/exporting” data from – if custom reports etc.


I’m all sorted, thanks Kevin. (see above)

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