End of Line Ancestor List

Is it possible to run a report, create a group, or display all of my end of line ancestors?

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From a RM standpoint, EoL is a person without parents. Using that criteria I have over 1300 individuals without parents in a linked database of over 4000 people. They are primarily wives of collateral lines that I have not bothered to explore.

If I understand you correctly, a possible way for you to identify the progenitors of your ancestral lines is to generate an Ancestor Chart using yourself as the focus person and visually identifying them.

Create a group with these rules
Select - Ancestors - focus person - Direct ancestors only, and the number of generations
Unselect - Criteria - Number of sets of parents - greater than - 0

Once you have the group you can filter a report to the group.

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Hi @rzamor1

I’m following along on this out of curiousity and have question …

In looking at the Custom Report Designer interface, I don’t seem to see a Field available for the Relationship value that’s calculated through Set Relationship. Am I missing it or is it really not there?

The reason I ask is because it would be nifty to have that End-Of-The-Line list of ancestors with a description of their relationship. (See screen cap; proposed column where yellow arrow is)

Relationships are not available to add as facts to the custom report. You could use the group on a Kinship List to see the relationships.

@rzamor1 Well I’ll be darned. That works nicely and you can even sort it. Thank ya!

@reborrell Here’s a sample of what it looks like, in case it aligns with what you’re needing …