DNA Match entry issue RM10

I have been entering a lot of Ancestry DNA matches in the last days and I’ve come across an issue that is slowing me down.
In the DNA panel of the Edit Person window, I click the + ADD button to create a new entry. The entry window pops up with the Person 1 field filled in as expected and the Label 1 field is also filled in but with the wrong information. How do I reset this default for the Label 1 field?

I edit the Label 1 field to complete the match entry, but the next time I click +, the wrong Label 1 value is again displayed.
I tried exiting the person edit window, restarting RM. Still comes up wrong when clicking +.
Where is the default for Label 1 stored? (In the ConfigTable?, the xml configuration file??

(The “wrong information” I referred to above was something that I added by editing a previously entered match, but it applied only for that match. It shouldn’t be the default for new match entries.)

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Sounds like its remembering the first label 1 you used for the person with that provider. The labels should be the same on each provider. Go back and check all the matches for that provider that the label is the same. If you are entering with a different provider you will have to save that first one so it will open again with the correct provider and label 1 for them.

YES, that was it. I thought that I checked that but you remined me that the default is “per DNA Provider”. Also it seems that the default is set at program start up. That’s why my previous attempts to fix it failed.
I went and renamed the first entry for the provider to Roman Otter-TEST and restarted RM, and indeed, when adding a new entry, that was the default.
Now I’m back to full speed.
I’ve created an ORA-extension auto type template that makes DNA match entry for Ancestry a 5 click experience, if anyone is interested.