Color-code unverified persons

Let the end-user select a color code when adding to a RootsMagic database unverified persons from FamilyTree. If the person is being downloaded from FamilyTree, not matched to somebody already in the RM database, let the person be color-coded.

Hi tom
Assuming you mean the Family Search tree – yes basically.

Create Group - criteria NO FSID (blank)

then select color set and color that set with the group

Sounds brilliant, except that if I import from Family Tree, the Family Search ID is not blank.

what do you mean by unverified? I wrongly assumed you mean not connected

If you’re just downloading people “not matched” within your main database… just download them all to a separate database specifically for preparation to add or merge later. Color code the batch right away, correct differences in formats of dates, spelling of surnames and place names, etc.