CENSUS [FAM) vs Census SHARED with household

First let me start with – I am aware can not share census facts and have each individual with their own census fact and I am aware that Shared Census facts do not port over to Ancestry and some other places for other than Principal. So my question is focuses as to why one would use CENSUS Family fact (which is really couple ). The only reason I can see is that the spouse would get the info to Ancestry for census.

Are there other advantages of using CENSUS Family vs CENSUS (Individual) and sharing with household members (I already have roles setup in the Census fact)
Just wondered if I was missing something

Personally, I would never use the Census (fam) or Residence (fam) facts. The only reason they were added to RM years ago was to support users coming from another software program. I would always add a individual fact. If you wanted to share that individual fact then you could do so. The sharing of a family fact with other family members just doesn’t make sense to me.


didn’t to me either – Individual to other household individual makes sense depending


agreed I did not want to go back and “share” 20 years of work

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if you were starting fresh – would you have the opinion?

For people who had their data imported from other apps and have many Census Fam facts, there are scripts available to convert them to Census individual facts shared with the spouse.

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I was aware but good to point out for those might not be aware of SQL or R.O. Scripts.


I usually do NOT use the fact Census Family BUT MIGHT in special circumstances-- for example–my ancestor John KINCADE and his siblings were recorded in the 1870 census with the last name of RUMPF–their step-father’s surname – the couple also had a son–so using a Census family fact with desc and customized roles, I end up with the info on the son being right and a fact for the step-children being :

Step-son John Kincade was enumerated as son with the surname of his step-father RUMPF in the census in the household of John Rumpf and Betty Ann Harris on 20 Sep 1870 at Harper’s Ferry in Clinton Co., IA.

Another time I MIGHT use it-- have several people who died after the census date BUT before the family was enumerated–finding death info in some of these small towns BEFORE 1910 is almost impossible, so THANK GOODNESS the census taker read the instructions and did it right by recording the death on the census-- so again using a customized census family fact with description and roles-- I end up with a shared fact of :


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Thanks but I believe the same could be done via a normal shared fact census – I have created about 25 census roles and create in order of consanguinity (or mostly)
Nearly all have been used

by use

It could be and that is why I said I MIGHT use it— the only difference being that the mother’s name is included when you use census family UNLESS you make her the principal in the individual fact…
I actually just made this rather simple to use as an example-- the actual census is a little bit out there-- besides the kids being listed as Rumpf— the actual last name in the census is UMPF instead of RUMPF— Mom is listed with the 1st name BARBARA-- and I didn’t have an exact date for the marriage at the time --which is why I passed this census by and was a couple pages down the line before deciding to go back and look at it again–later found the marriage was in 1867–so definitely them…

again just comes down to what you personally want to do…

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I don’t think I would. I’d test it out to see what the results of printouts are.