Cannot see file name in Rearrange Media window

I can’t remember if this has been report before or not, but I am unable to see the file names in the Rearrange Media window within Edit Person. Making the window larger does not help. The divider between the Caption and the Filename cannot be moved.


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Good Catch. And scrolling the horizontal slider at the bottom of the window all the way to the right highlights the column resizing issue.

The filename does become visible when I maximize the window but that’s a function of the number of characters in my directory structure rather than a solution.

Confirming issue has been reported to development.

Following your discussion made me realize I was unaware of the Media Album for an individual person. (I was well aware of attaching media and use it all the time.) I followed the Media Album instructions in the new RootsMagic Manual, but, looking on page 181, I can’t find the Rearrange Media screen you show above. Example:

  1. I open a person (me) with lots of photos (.jpg) and charts (.pdf) media attached to myself.
  2. I open the Media Album using the Media icon on the left side of my Edit screen. The first item in my album, a photo is highlighted.
  3. I accept the default “All Media” in the selection box above the album.
  4. I then click on the Rearrange button (up/down arrows) on the right side of the album, per instructions on page 181.
  5. Instead of the Rearrange screen you show, a box pops up saying, “There is only 1 item.” This happens no matter which media item is highlighted. I am not able to highlight more than one item at a time.
  6. Note: Each media item in my album is attached to a different fact. Does this Rearrange function only work on cases of multiple media items attached to a single fact?
    What am I doing wrong?

Yes, that’s the way it works.

See the 10:40 point of this video for details.

Thanks, Jerry. I didn’t have any multi-media items for a given fact, so did not test that feature.

Thanks, Kevin. I didn’t have any multi-media items for a given fact, so did not test that feature.

And I had not seen that video.

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There is a way to view more of each column but it’s not intuitive and has added clickiness and quirkiness. Maximise the Rearrange window, select any item, click on any of the Move|Sort buttons that actually change the order (i.e., Move Up on the first item won’t work). The columns then become 50% of the maximised window width. On returning to the original size, the 50% split then applies to subsequent drag resizing but not Maximize and, is maintained (I think) when a different fact is selected. The column dividers remain undraggable.

Confirm on mac. The column widths cannot be resized and expanding the window merely splits it in 2 equal parts. Column widths should be user adjustable AND changes in width should stick.
What is the far left column with the 2 characters?