Last time I closed the RM database 10.03 (12/29/2024) it was 169 MG, and this new year I close it with no changes and now is 30MG, same info apparently …why is that…?
Thanks for you inputs,
Are you referring to the database file (.rmtree extension) or the backup file (.RM backup extension)?
If .rmtree, the Compact tool returns space previously used for now deleted records to the operating system. That’s a very large change and would have required much merging and deletions.
If .RM backup, whether you choose the include media option makes a big difference.
Thanks for your input, when I close the app (RM) it ask for backup media files, I always do and then hit backup to close, but it happens that it goes from 169 MG last year and this year when closing
the app it only shows 30 MG, for the same people, family, places, media, etc…, so where are the missing data…?
What name does the TYPE of your file have
It will either be DUP file, RMBackUP file or RootsMagic File ( rmtree)
As you can see my DUP file is much smaller than the BACKUP file and both are much smaller than the RootsMagic/ rmtree file-- I was told that a DUP file occurs when you are comparing 2 databases and can delete it BUT don’t know abt that for sure…
Can RM find four external files for backup? In other words, are the links broken?
That could explain the small backup file size, even though you asked to include external files.
Backup this new database. Copy (not Move) that Backup to some temporary work folder. In that other folder, Rename the file copy from filename.RMTREE to filename.ZIP. Now that file is recognized as an archive file. Should be able to right-click and EXTRACT ALL. It will be extracted to a subfolder of your workfolder. Navigate to that subfolder and there will be another subfolder named Media. Navigate into it… Does it have a significant number of media files?
And/Or use File>Restore from Backup to do a Restore of that (12/29/2024) copy of the big database TO A DIFFERENT FOLDER from your current database folder. Then follow that with File>Tools>Compare. Choose the database file from that DIFFERENT FOLDER to use for comparison. Are there MANY differences (missing people) ?
Thank you all,
The last year file name is XXXXXX(24-12-29).rmbackup and is 169 MB, the new year file is XXXXXX(25-01-09).rmbackup and is 30 MB, so there is a difference of 139 MB missing, why is that when the people, family, places, media, etc are the same in both files…?.
Restore both in separate folders and compare the “Enhanced properties List” under tools. On the People List View add the Date Edited and sort on it. If the dates are off it could mean you are not comparing the same database.
Thank you all,
I’ll try your recommendation,