Blurry media images in publisher

A DOCX file a word processing file format used to store documents created in Microsoft Word. Per an online source it is the default format for Microsoft Word since 2007. I believe this file format is used in Open Office as well. PDF and DOCX are two different file formats.

My understanding or assumption is that they are generated by two different code modules from different developers not under.RM Inc’s direct control. So images are rendered by different mechanisms and that is unfortunate. Also, the preview we see in RM is the rendering you get in the PDF which can download (Save) instantly. The DOCX rendering does not start until Save that format has been selected.

I can see the saved PDF and docx from RM are quite different; different formatting and size; in fact the docx is a 10x larger file. I assume that is why the images are better in that format.

The problem for me is that because of the different formatting, the docx file is 100 pages longer and takes me over the 800 page limit for on line printer/publishers so I either have to delete content or have two volumes.

I am just surprised that nobody has every brought this up before. It makes me wonder how many customers are even using the publisher/book feature.

Once you’ve tweaked that filetype to your liking… convert it to a .PDF

Surprisingly, once I tweak the docx file and convert back to a PDF it maintains all of the docx formatting and page length. At least it maintains the clear images which is a good thing!


I think the Preview-PDF vs DOCX differences in image rendering and format have been raised to and acknowledged by RM Support (@rzamor1 ) previously along with a number of other matters. The page limit for online printer/publishers is out of their control but wasteful whitespace and missing whitespace where some is needed is.

Happy to hear that you could reformat-to-fit in Word the page limit.

Sorry, maybe I was not clear. Unfortunately switching to docx and then back to the PDF puts me 100 over the page limit compared to the original blurry PDF created from RM.

I agree there is a lot of wasted white space in the PDF and docx files. If the format was cleaner, I am sure I could get my book down to half the number of pages.

Good news; I found a vendor that can print a genealogy book up to 1000 pages. They focus on genealogy. I am likely going to use them. If anyone else is looking for someone to print/publish their genealogy book their website is: