Best practice adding stories and details to a person

For a bunch of the persons in my tree some kind of interesting stories can be told. These informations are no “formal” standard facts that can be chosen in the respective menus in the person window but just some “gossip” making the ancestors more alive :slight_smile:. The option I considered is adding a “misellaneous" fact and put the story in the description field. How do you do this?
Thank you! :upside_down_face:

The description field is limited in the number of characters it can hold. If you stories are more than about 100 characters then I suggest that you use the note functionality for a custom fact called “Stories”. Create a test person and test fact and try out any ideas.

The description is part of the fact sentence. The notes will follow the fact in a narrative. Use the description field to fill out that first sentence. Then continue the rest in the notes. That way you won’t risk losing them if you export your data.

I have such a custom fact I call Narrative, but the actual name of the fact is quite irrelevant. It can be called anything and the only thing that will print is the note. So the fact can be called Stories or Narrative or anything you like.

However, I do have one suggestion. If truly the only thing that prints is the note and if there is a citation associated with the fact, then the citation superscript will print in narrative reports at the beginning of the first line of the note. That is profoundly ugly and unprofessional looking. For that reason, I make sure that all my narrative stories begin with some sort of short introductory sentence that I store in the Description field for the fact and I store the rest of the narrative in the Note field. I make my sentence template for the fact be as follows.

Narrative: [Desc].

That way, the citation superscript appears after the short introductory sentence and before the rest of the text. It’s not quite perfect because I would like the citation superscript to appear at the very end of the narrative story. But it’s the best I can do.

Here is an example. Notice where the citation superscript of 28 appears.


On a related theme, I also have a fact called “Story” and the label does not matter. I also added a separate one more recently called “Interesting” – these are people that may have and interest history or such. For example a member of my tree named Mount Rushmore ( long before what it became), or my great aunt who is said the be the 1st woman statue.

Thank you all, I will surely try your suggestions.