Another Argument out of Range Error that is REPEATABLE

That’s a lot of errors for so few people-- I don’t use Family Search or Ancestry Tree Share with RM --so I can’t say that this started with Family Search in version BUT probably so – have seen a lot of people talk abt errors with Ancestry Tree Share going back to RM 8.
Your argument out of range error seem to be more random than mine— once an error occurs in what I am doing in RM 9, I can only delete abt 2 more people before it happens again-- when it happened in RM 8, I could delete an additional 20 or 50 people before it happened again-- very random.

I think that your problem is also related to the # of clicks ( whether using the mouse or the arrow keys on the computer) it takes to get something done combined with the randomness of the error-- that is why you MIGHT have lots of errors with the 1st generation added, none of the next generation and then it happened again in the 2nd generation back…

Might check this thread on Ancestry Tree Share

Support will tell you:

  1. Once the error happens, immediately close RM 9, reopen the file and then Go to File>Tools>Database Tools and run all options there in consecutive order…
  2. Make sure database is not inside a folder syncing to cloud storage like Dropbox, iCloud or OneDrive.
  3. I will also add You can also close out your file, reboot the computer and then run all the database tools after reopening the file…

I did both #1 and # 3-- don’t synch to a cloud-- the error still happens BUT it was abt another 40 minutes ( 670-1000 clicks) before it happened-so nothing changed.

If you continue to have the argument out of range errors, make a new file and drag this file to the new file:
with your file open
go to File > Create a new file
click on Empty file
now you should have your file up and the new file, drag your file to the new empty file and drop in the names. choose everyone from this database…

You can and probably should contact support also if the error is repeatable-- they want to know the exact steps you took before the error happened-- the more info you can tell them the better such as it happens after 20 people or 40 clicks or every 10 minutes…

You can contact support here Monday thru Friday-- thinks it’s 8 am to 4 pm MOUNTAIN TIME…