Update 8.1.1 issue caused double shortcut on desktop

Since doing the latest update 8.1.1 , I now have two shortcuts on my desktop and they appear to be pointing to two different places. My question is, do I now have two copies of the same RM8 and are they synced or separated? How do I combine them and is it causing problems? Did it update my existing RM8?

It is just a shortcut. If you right click on the desktop item and open properties, you can compare the target of the shortcut. They should be pointing to the same directory where your RootsMagic program lies. Are you saying the RM update installed in a different directory on your computer? Be sure you are not looking at RM7 vs RM8.

Iā€™ve noticed the same behaviour daveancestry - I thought it was just me! Both shortcuts appear to be pointing to the same target (C:\Program files (x86) Roots Magic 8), but given I struggle so much with technology I am hesitant to do anything. Everything appears to be working with RM8 though (although itā€™s not my main program, Iā€™m still on 7).

I saw the same, both pointing to the same place.
The only difference was the user name, one was Dave and the other was administrator.


I can confirm that the 8.1.1 upgrade did create a second shortcut with the same details but differing owners, the 8.1.1 short cut is owned by the ā€œAdministratorsā€ the other one by me.
This has not occurred with any of the other installs/upgrades as they all updated any existing shortcut for RM8.

It is safe to delete one of them. It appears that this update has installed a shortcut on the ā€˜sharedā€™ desktop accessible by all users of your PC, previously these were on you own ā€˜userā€™ desktop and this other one may be left over from the previous install. Be interesting to see what happens on the next update if you delete one of them.

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Same here, two shortcuts now. I see that the latest one set it up under C:\Users\Public\Public Desktop. My original is pointing to the Desktop folder under my user name. I nuked the Public one as itā€™s redundant, points to the wrong area, and may lead to other issues.

That happened for me too on my MacBook Pro. I just deleted one of the short-cuts.
For me it seemed that they were pointing to the same folder.

Same happened to me. I contacted customer support who confirmed I could delete one. it seems to be OK.

I am not very computer savvy so after your
all kind comments I rechecked the properties. The original and the new shortcuts appear to be pointing to the same place. In under the general tab the location of the original is C:\Users\david\Desktop, under the new is C:\Users\Public\Desktop . Under the new security the line INTERACTIVE was added. Under original owner is different, DESKTOP-RGB3DB\david, new is Administrators . So I guess I can just delete the new shortcut and everything will be OK. Does that sound like the right move?

Yes, it is safe to delete one of the shorcuts. It wonā€™t change anything with RM.

Just downloaded update 8.1.2 and once again a second short cut was added to the desk top. Also when downloading the update Norton Antivirus popped up a warning that said something was blocked. Did not understand what. This happened once before. Will start a new thread about this. Not sure if Norton needs to be turned off when updating.