Show Relative Events not correctly showing through

Hi All

An odd one which may be a fault or may be something I am doing, on the attached image I have ticked the Show Relative Event, which it does. Then in the relative details it is not linking to show that sources, media, notes, etc, exist.

This results in me going back to the relative to check I had actually recorded the correct information, which I had correctly entered and these Note/Sources/Media were showing correctly.

So is this a case of I am doing this wrong or is it a case of events not showing thought (potential bug)

I am using on Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1348 and isolated from external links (ancestry, FS, etc).

Nothing is out of ordinary in that screenshot until you post the screenshot(s) of the sibling(s) showing their Edit Person screen(s) with icons. Then the typical approach is to backup and close/restart RM8 to see if this depiction changes.