RootsMagic 10 - Places

I recently upgraded from RootsMagic 7 to RootsMagic 10. Everything transferred over great. However, I did notice the Places tab in the new RootsMagic 10 is giving me some trouble. I have rebooted my computer, reinstalled the files and I receive the same message again. I am unsure how to fix the problem.
Each time I click on the Places tab on the left side of the screen the following message appears.


Is anyone else receiving this message? Can someone help me with fixing it, so I do not receive the message?

Thank you to anyone who is able and willing to assist.

Go to RootsMagic webpage and download the PlaceDB.Dat file (it’s with the install files)

Have you downloaded it ? Download RootsMagic 10image

Thank you to both of you. The Places is now working correctly. I did not realize I needed to download and install that file as well.

When you are installing RM from scratch it installs the place database file for you automatically. But when you are updating from one version to another, it will ask you if you wish to uninstall the previous version. If you say yes, it seems to uninstall place database from the old version and forgets to install it for the new version.


caution: when I installed RM 10 on my mac with RM9 there was no option to replace the installed version. With RM 8 to 9 and 9 updates all offered to replace the older version.

I think that RM only installs the place database automatically if the place database installer is in the same folder that contains the RM installer.
Not something I’m going to kill time on testing…