In the association view list, would it be possible to add colums? If the list is very long it is very difficult to find your way around without the possibility to apply a wider range of sorting criteria. Especially I would like to add a “Reference No” column for person 1 and person 2, because I am using a scheme that immediately informs about the generation I am looking at. - Thanks
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Confirming request has been reported to development.
When you customize the People List the Search, Person Search-Advanced will use those columns. That means you could use a filter with Association - exists - is True and see the Reference No column’s results for them. The other option is to create a group using the same filter and then display that group in the People List. That would allow you to sort on the column header.
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Thanks a lot - two pretty nifty solutions! - Albeit, this way I can not see the associated relationship.