RM8 for Mac -- text editor is very buggy

Yeah, I agree with your overall assessment. Sourcing is really the most crucial thing to me in any genealogy software, and the sourcing capability of RM8 seems pretty robust to me so far (apart from the annoyance of the buggy text editor). I haven’t tried generating any reports including sources yet, though. I’ve mostly been trying to iron out the wrinkles from the GEDCOM import. I previously used Reunion 11 on Mac, and liked it in a lot of ways, but certain features (or the lack thereof) were a bummer — birth-death years display issue similar to the one in this RM thread, no support for double dating of Old Style dates, some source format inflexibility, etc. They may have addressed those issues in subsequent versions, but I thought I’d try RM instead.

I do hope there’s something that can be done about the text editor in the Mac version of RM8, because it’s a real minus at this point.

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