First, thanks to all who helped me with RM7. I am now only using RM10. New Question: I have RM10 on MAC desktop Sonoma 14.6.1. [Updated] RM10 is saved in Dropbox. I still get message, “can’t open.”, but it does. RM10 is also saved under Applications. It opens from here also. I have added RM10 to my MACBk Pro Catalina 10.15.7 & saved in Dropbox. [Updated] & Applications Folder. When I Addi new data to my Desktop version, & save in Dropbox …it is not syncing with same in MACBk. How can I solve this? Thank you.
Are you pausing Dropbox sync while you are using RM?
Don’t edit the database live inside of any folder syncing with the cloud, like Dropbox. It’s fine to store the backups there. First, open RM and then open the database. Don’t click on the database file outside of RM to open it.
Hello Jerry, I assumed it was “syncing” all the time as a cloud service when I use it, like in adding data to one device. I do not pause it and wouldn’t know if that was a setting. Years ago my PC would automatically sync from Desktop to laptop.
It is not safe to use your RM database while Dropbox is syncing it.
- Pause Dropbox while you are using RM and resume Dropbox after you exist RM.
- Or move your RM database outside of Dropbox and keep your RM backup files inside of Dropbox.
The second solution is RM’s official recommendation.
You should only have 1 copy of RM10 program in your applications folder. All applications go there. The database file you create and use with RM10 program lives in your documents folder. It will be backed up as part of your time machine automatic backups to an external drive.
Hello. I have RM10 program and database in Applications Folder. I start my database from there. Selecting a family… displaying on a family group sheet ALL the individual photos are there. When I print out a family group sheet in Publish [all boxes checked I want] NO photos print. I have run the tool “Fix broken” links. No errors were located, but I still have 26 broken links/photos in one surname gallery. When selecting a photo with “X” to identify the problem, the message says, “Couldn’t load image, not supported”. All my photos are JPG. I’m using MAC desktop. RM7 is on another computer that I used to upload to RM10. Those photos [in 7] show up on a Family Group Sheet and print out. Any advice? Thank you.
Applications folder is for programs ONLY. Put database file and media in your documents folder.