RM10 Citation Quality

Hi, I have a beginner question. After an 8 year vacation from RM and genealogy, I am re-engaging with RootsMagic 10. I have purchased the RM10 book, read all relevant comments here in the community, read the help pages in the program, looked at the Sources and Citations video for RM8 on YouTube, but would still appreciate help. How do I get to Citation Quality in RM10?

From Help

Thank you, BobC. I did read that entry in “Help” before posting, and it seems very helpful for understanding and using Citation Quality.

I had a slightly different goal, and that was how to get to that screen where Quality entries can be made. Since posting, I have continued to explore, and I think I have learned something:

I was trying to see citation quality by going through Sources> Citations. I cannot get to Citation Quality by starting with Sources, then choosing a Citation from that Source, then trying to edit that Citation. This does bring up an Edit Citation screen, but there is no “Quality” section in that screen.

Instead, I must start with People> choose one person and double click or right click to get to the Edit Person screen, choose a fact that has a citation associated with it, click on the pen icon in the sources column on the right. This brings up a right-sided pane with a citation highlighted in blue near the top. IfI click on the right arrow in this panel, I get an Edit Citation panel that includes a section titled Quality.

The concept that I can only edit Quality by starting with Edit Person fits with the text on p. 160 of the RM 10 book: “The quality is at the citation use level, since the same source (or even the same citation) can have a different quality depending on what it is used for/. For example, a birth certificate could have a different quality depending on whether it was used for the person’s birth or used for the father’s place of birth.”

I would appreciate it if someone more experienced in this community can tell me if the conclusions I have drawn are correct or off-base.

Thank you!

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That’s necessary and correct behavior, not a bug or a design flaw. The exact same citation can and often does have different Quality values depending on the person and fact to which it is attached. One obvious example is that a death certificate often is a higher quality citation for a Death fact than it is for a Birth fact, although a death certificate typically includes both death and birth data. Therefore, the Quality values can only be set where the people and facts are located, and that’s in the Edit Person screen.

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Excellent. I think I’m getting there. Thank you!