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I’m cleaning up my places - correcting some errors and merging. (Same situation would arise in cleaning up Sources)

For instance, if a place is named , , Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy and I take out the commas, when I save the places section on the left side jumps to the new saved location of Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy.

To go to the next location on the list I have to use my mouse and scroll up the entire page.

Is there a shortcut to go back to the top of the list? (i.e.Ctrl + HOME) ?

Also, after I make a change is there a shortcut key to save, rather than moving mouse to the checkmark?

Ctrl+Home will take you to the top of the list. As for losing your spot if the place was edited and saved it will assume that is the spot you want to be. If you are cleaning up comma’s try using PlaceClean under the 3 dot menu. Option “Improper punctuation” would find them and let you fix them in mass. You can also modify what it is changed to.

Just to be clear - if using Mac OS the key stroke would be Cmd + Home, correct?

Yes, On macos:
Cmd + Fn + Left arrow moves the display to the top of the list,
Cmd + Fn + Right arrow moves the display to the bottom of the list,
Cmd + Fn + Up arrow moves the display up one screen,
Cmd + Fn + Down arrow moves the display down one screen.

None of these keystrokes changes the selected entry, but it does change the portion of the list being displayed.

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