Print generation report RM10

Newbie here…want to print only mom’s side to include her ancestors, siblings, and decedents? Using RM10

  1. Make a Backup… File>Backup>Backup
  2. Right-click on Mom’s Spouse
  3. Choose Unlink>Unlink from Spouse>Unlink
  4. Generate the desired Reports and Charts
  5. File>Restore from backup

I am looking to print my mom’s side including her parents, siblings & ancestors. I unliked her husband & when I look at the chart it has only her info & children.

I have misread and goofed.
Instead of Unlinking her Spouse, You should Unlink her Spouse from his Parents.

  1. File>Restore from backup (or Right-click on Mom, Add>Add Spouse>Select Existing>choose to add her husband back as father in that family)
  2. Right-click on Mom’s Spouse
  3. Choose Unlink>Unlink from Parents>Unlink
  4. Generate the desired Reports and Charts. There are various possibilities and one should play around to understand their resulting layouts.

Depends on the charting approach You take.

  1. Descendant Chart (selecting her earliest male ancestor as Person)
  2. Box Chart>Chart type>Descendants (selecting her earliest Male Ancestor as Start person)
  3. Hourglass Chart (selecting Mom as Person)
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Create a Group.

Group>Add (+)>Select People>Mark>Ancestors of highlighted person>Pick the options and give the Group a name.

Now when you go to Publish, you can select this Group instead of Everyone.


Thanks for your help

Sorry @MadDog but I am NOT seeing how you can pick this group for most reports–just a slight few such as Individual list etc–are you talking abt a custom report–if so, how do you do it?

The OP wants to print their material side and that’s what my answer was geared to.
It is available in Custom Reports because RM developers allow that choice.

Another option is focus on your Mom

  1. Create an Ancestor chart w/her as Person
  2. Create a Descendant chart w/her as Person
  3. Publish>Book>New Book
  4. Add the two above-created charts and any other charts/reports/scrapbook all together in the book