Places, events and information display on map


I’d like to make a suggestion concerning the location mapping functionalities that I think need to be developed.
If I’ve understood correctly, each event can be associated with a date and a place, and the latter can be represented by a point on the map (GPS coordinates).
It’s possible to find out what’s behind the point, where it is and who’s involved.
It’s a pity, though, that you can’t get more information directly on the related events. Why not display the event description and notes as a popup? When you’re making presentations, this would be super-practical and very educational.
I hope I can find enough fans for my proposal so that it can be accepted for the development of future versions.
Places require

it would be nice to have some enhancements with mapping.

If you export info out of RM – you can use a tool such as Power BI Map - its displays things nicely (or can).


Not sure we can have a pop-up within a pop-up. When you find a location you want more details on and the people you can switch to the Place List to view information you have entered on that location. The Used list will give you the same list of people where you can open their Edit Person screens. If you are on the “Map People (events)” tab in Mapping there is an Edit (pencil icon) at the top that will let you open their Edit Person screens.

Thank’s keyvinc1985, but I am not familiar with power BI which is great but not portable product (frequently moving my RM data to my laptop and vis et versa) +I don’t want to spend time to import/export data. In fact all good ideas are in an the old style product from Roots Magic " Family Atlas". I suppose integration has not be done cause of marketing reason ( thank’s to developper to give us his point of view). Ultimately, integration would allow us to dispense with error-prone imports/exports and updates. An another reason for Roots Magic to become a leader (with limited development).

Thank’s Razmor1,
It’s possible, but too complicated.
When you see someone on point, you want to “unravel” his life at least to know what he did (event) without loading several windows and click between 3 or 5 times.

And there’s another reason, too, which would be to present more limited information, free of all other (too much) information, so as to focus on the character.