Narrative sentences for shared facts not picking up field data

That work great for the fact sentence, thanks. Too bad about the role sentence.

I do like the casual option - that works well, thanks.
It even works on Jerry’s solution for using [RoleName] so my fact sentence is very casual.

Unfortunately adding the subjects of the photo to all of the subjects doesn’t take advantage of the sharing feature. It also means I have to create a fact for each person and create a distinct description for each fact.

There is, however, [OtherPersons]
[Sentence Template field: OtherPersons] (Sentence template language)

I have not experimented with using [Field(#)] or [Field 1, Field 2] but this might also be an option for naming people in a photo.

Aha! I had forgotten about that one (or never knew). If I understand the documentation correctly, it’s for all witnesses, not just the witnesses with the same role. That’s probably what you would want in most cases. For example, if it were being used with the Census fact, if the role sentence for the Son role included [OtherPersons], the [OtherPersons] would include people with the Daughter role and the Wife role, which is actually what you would want.

Thank you for the role constructs for the “shared” witnesses. This works well in the Narrative Report.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to create a List that shows the following:
Name of Christened Person > Date of Christening > Names and Roles of [Other Persons]
Working in German parishes it is very helpful to see who and what relationship (role) to the christened person is.
Your thoughts?
Thanks - Jenny

Roles are not supported outside of RM’s Narrative reports and Family Group Sheets. For example, they are not available in RM’s Custom Reports nor in RM’s People List View.

You could get the Name of Christened Person and Date of Christening in Custom Reports or People List View. But you could not get the Role information.

IF you used the Godparent fact under Association, you could get a list of the godparent and godchild BUT not the dates
If you added a godparent fact and a godchild fact instead of roles, you could do a list 2 ways–easiest being a FACT LIST using either the godchild or godparent fact
with godchild on the left and godparent on right after place.

or create a group with the criteria of godparent (or godchild) exist is true –
then view the group in People List-- if you did a group for godparents then CUSTOMIZED the people list to include Godparent, the Godparent date, place details and place

NOTE–when you add the godparent fact–it should have said godparent OF BUT doesn’t
The godparent is under the name and the name of the godchild is under godparent column…

Just an idea as I suspect you are already too far down that rabbit hole to want to go back and change those roles to facts…

Thank you NKess. It looks like we would end up entering the same event under two different people, the Godparent and the Godchild. I’d like to avoid dual entry of info for the same event.

I was able to create this entry (which only shows, as mentioned, in RM’s Narrative reports and Family Group Sheets):
[person] was christened< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]> with witness(es) of <[OtherPersons]>.

I’m taking a look at creating the report in SQL . . . wish me luck!

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