Missing Places features

I spend a lot of time cleaning of places when merging data I’ve received from cousins. I do this because when you’re dependent on electronic searching as I am having consistent place names is key is getting matches.

In RM7 there was a feature called use standardized name that would replace your Place Name with the Standardized Name when you geocoded the place. This was very handy, as now you need to select Geocode, then copy the standardized name, and paste it to replace the place name. Not a huge deal, but when you have to go through a thousand or so places it adds up.

I wish to once again beg for some automation in cleaning up duplicate place names (and place details). If they can do it with Sources and CItations (even though the citations merge is incorrect) it should be possible for Places. Sure, it’s not too hard to select the place, go to Merge Places, and select the places to merge, but again, when you have to go through a thousand or so places it adds up.

I would also like to request the ability to move a place detail to another place. I see this as most important for cemeteries. For most places I try to use the place name that matched the time period, so if you’re looking for a marriage record for Lincoln County from 1820 you need to look in Lincoln county even if the place changed to Gaston County in 1845. Cemeteries are different. If you’re looking for a grave you want to know where it is now. If someone was buried in 1767 in Anson County, and another in the same graveyard but it was in Lincoln county in 1800, and another in the same graveyard but it was in Gaston county in 1900, I want all place details to be attached to Gaston County. So if I have the Smith Family Cemetery place details attached to Anson, Lincoln, and Gaston counties I technically have three duplications so I want to move the Anson and Lincoln to Gaston, then merge those details so I can generate a list of everyone at that cemetery.

Confirming items have been reported to development.

Thank you Renee. I do appreciate it.