Managing multiple open RM10 Windows / Databases

I just finished a session where I had 4 different RM10 databases open simultaneously. Trying to find one or the other in the “cascade” was not easy. Alt-Tab doesn’t work for this situation since it just recognizes a single instance of RM. I didn’t find a solution to this in the message archive. Is there any thought of the programmers to make the different instances of open databases accessible in Windows via Alt-Tab? How are you all managing to find which RM window/database to move to when you have several open?

F5 will switch between databases.

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Excellent Renee. F5 was what I was looking for. Is there any way to go backward in the list similar to using [Windows] Alt-Shift-Tab to go backward? I tried the combination of Alt-F5 and Shift-F5 but that didn’t work. Regardless, the ability to move easily from one database to another is a step forward for me.

No backwards with F5 that I am aware of.

On mac one simple gesture will show all open windows (swipe up) or all windows in one application (swipe down). You will see every RM database and its edit windows and just choose the one you want.