Looking for a method to be able to print a legible Descendant Chart on letter or legal sized page(s)

Using RM10, I am attempting to generate a Descendant Chart that can be printed on letter or legal page(s). RM is generating output that is legible only if the settings are restricted such that only a very few people are present in the chart. Once more than a few people are present, RM is scaling the text to such a small size that it is not legible. I am not seeing a method or process that allows the generation of legible page(s)

I’m curious how long in inches (or centimeters) you’d like any one name to occupy on a letter or legal sheet of paper?

I’m not trying to target a specific size at this point, I would just like to be able to generate something that is large enough to be readable by a human (I’m not trying to generate an oversize chart)

Ah, but that’s the rub! For a variety of name lengths to be “readable” in an 8.5" (or 11") width (even w/o margins) is just a mere technical limitation. :slight_smile: What is plausible is to create a larger canvas for the chart and then print the subsections as individual sheets of that size-limited media (paper).

Perhaps, if you open a word processor/editor and type a line of the name Wxxxxxx McNeil repeated numerous times with spacing between each (at the lowest readable font size) and observed when the right-hand margin was reached …it would show how the math limits things.

I am working with a Descendant Chart that is large enough in size to require more than a single legal or letter size page in order for a hard copy to be legible. I want to be able to create a hard copy chart by using a printer that is capable of printing to only letter or legal sized paper. I do not want to have to carry a file to a printer service.

RM10 has an option to select a Layout Page of “letter” or “legal”, but does not appear to have a “multiple pages” option. There is an option to select Layout Page value of “Fit to Chart”, or “custom”. When either of these options are selected, and a chart generated, it is not possible to tell from the displayed chart on the computer screen how it might look after being saved to a *.pdf file and then printed using the poster option. I have burned through quite a few pieces of paper trying the trial and error approach, and am asking if anyone else has a method that allows one to use a reasonably accurate WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet approach. OR, does RootsMagic just not have a way that you can accomplish WYSIWYG for charts that require more space than a single page to be legible?

Print Settings for Multiple pages.

Thanks! I have done some experiments, and was able to get this method to work. This generated legible output with a scaling value of about 50% or greater. I also had to select the Cut Marks option in the Oversized Poster section below the Scaling section, and use an overlap value of at least 0.25" or so. If cut marks is not selected, or if overlap is less than 0.25" or so, information at the edges is lost.I would not be surprised if these values have to be adjusted for each specific printer that one is using.