- When importing using a Legacy file all of my ancestors are “matched” within the FamilySearch tool of RM.
- When importing using a GEDCOM created by Legacy, over 500 of my 7,000+ ancestors are Unmatched.
I want my Legacy Stories to be imported which requires the GEDCOM approach.
Any ideas?
Suggested process
Create an new test database using the GEDCOM
In Family Search Central use the AutoMatch function
Check to see how many were not matched
Decide next steps
Perhaps File>Tools>Compare the two different databases and select a few of the unmatched folks looking for potential differences?
Are you saying that some are still matched while others are now unmatched? I wonder if those 500 were matched to FSIDs that no longer exist?
They were all matched previously in my original RM file which was created by importing from my Legacy data file. Now when I import a GEDCOM 5.5.1 created by Legacy in order to get my Legacy Stories to import I end up with a huge number of unmatched ancestors even after running the AutoMatch.
I hope this clarifies my issue.
Somehow my latest GEDCOM created by Legacy did import my stories and had only 5 unmatched names. I’m good. Thanks for your help.