I know its been discused many time - But is there an automatic backup function?

I know its been discused many times - But is there an automatic backup function ??

Say after every 15mins or 20 transactions. Backup filename to have date and time stamp.

The only current backup is the last one when saved or when the app closed. This could end up being only 1 backup for the day. If there is a system crash you could well lose a whole days worth of data.

No, there is not. You can manually backup at any time and it is highly advisable to do so when making a major change or after many minor changes. Some people have lost months of work because they did not even have the auto backup on exit turned on.

Another deficiency is that the default file name for the backup file includes a date stamp without including a time stamp. If you do a backup yourself, you do not have to accept the default file name for the backup file. You can add a time stamp. But if you do so, it’s a totally manual operation.

RM has no auto backup but you can set it to ask to backup on file exit or manually back up.
Remember that you probably do not want media files included and that only one name is used per day for auto backup. Also there “backups” are only on your computer and so not really backed up if it fails or you mess up.

Your real backup is your hourly time machine or continuous cloud service backup of your entire computer (if on mac).

Go to File, Backup whenever you wish to manually create a backup. If you are doing multiple backups throughout the day add a number or letter to the date so they appear in chronological order.

Since it’s hard to remember what number or letter has already been used for the day, I add the time using the 24-hour clock.

Including the time automatically needs to be an option. It’s an enhancement request that has been made many times before.

…and since they are most likely pulling the system time and truncating everything that isn’t MM DD YYYY, it shouldn’t be any real stress to not truncate and append the full value that was fetched.

Longtime user since Family Origins Version 2 on a DOS system with 80MB drive and 5.25" and 3.5" floppies.

Current system has a system disk with a solid state drive and a data disk with rotating media. My RootsMagic data is on the data disk with named folders for RM6, RM7, RM8, and RM9.

The solid state system disk has named backup folders for RM6, RM7, RM8, and RM9. Every now and then, I purge old backup files leaving only the last backup of a month to conserve space on the solid state system disk.

I have not tried this, but I assume that a removable USB drive with the proper file structure would also work for backups in the same manner as my scheme for backups to the system disk… Of course, a removable USB drive will work without having file directories matching the current version of RM.