Just noticed that the date isn’t being added to the end of the backup filename since upgrading to 10.0.3.
Checked that the option was enabled - it was - and then disabled and re-enabled it, but the filename offered does not have the date appended nor does the file created.
Am I the only one with this issue? (Using a Mac, though don’t see why that should be a factor).
I just checked on my mac and I’m not seeing any issue creating a backup with date included. When you select to create a backup do you see the date appearing on the RM Backup form? Check what folder it is saving to.
If the database name has a period before the extension name dot it will not include anything after that first period.
I am aware of the problem with dots in the filename - I used to use 10.x.y in the filename and discovered that problem some time ago, hence my current naming convention.
All I did was upgrade from 10.0.2 to 10.0.3 and then create a copy of the existing file with a modified file name (but with the same structure - the previous name was very similar - JHP - 10-0-2 - as at 20240920.
Just discovered that there is a dot in the filename - JHP - 10-0-3 - as at 20241210.rmtree.rmtree. This is a result of a stupidity in the Copy File function - see this screenshot.
As you will see, creating a copy of an existing file, in this case “JHP test” doesn’t remove the existing rmtree extension and adds another. Looks like a bug that I didn’t spot, resulting in a file with a dot in the name.
One lives and learns. Thanks for the suggestion, Renee.