Find A Grave Source Template

What is the best Source Template to use for Find A Grave or Billion Graves?

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I use a user submitted Source Template “EE-FindAGrave” User Source Templates - RootsMagic Wiki

I’m a Mac user and very cautious about any of the suggested ways to download and open any of these source templates. Not sure what I’m asking for, but I’d be much more at ease if it had nothing to do with Google or Google Drive (which is not installed on my Mac)

Here’s a screen shot of the user created Find A Grave Source Template if you wish to make your own.

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You don’t need Google Drive. Downloading the template is really no different than downloading anything else. Besides, it is a download on a site that belongs to Renee and it has been up for years.

Just saw this topic for Find a Grave. Thanks to rzamor1 for posting the link to the source templates.

One question, Why is EE part of the template name? I know it stands for “Evidence Explained”.


It’s what the user decided to name it.

This topic is why I went looking and why I signed up to the forums!

I wasn’t sure if I should be using the findagrave website as a repository and the sources images or what.

This tells me that I should indeed keep it as a source and cite it.

Now to figure out installing a custom template.

There are at least 2 on this list-- You need to download them to your desktop for easy access-- it is a zip file, so you need to UNZIP IT ( in Windows right Click on file and click on Extract)–save that to desktop…

then go to RM and open the database you want to import it into ( if you have more than one database, you will have to import it into each one)…

Go to Sources ( Left side)
Click on 3 dots then Click SOURCE TEMPLATE LIST
Click on IMPORT
Click on the UNZIPPED FILE ( .rmst)— hit OPEN then OK

Then hit the + sign and you will see your imported source type at or near the top of the list…


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Thank you! I was a bit amazed at how I talked myself in a circle of “it’s a source, it’s a repository” earlier.

I appreciate the directions and link.