Feature request - FS RM Matching and Sharing

Two requests: When matching FS to RM, combine the two screens “What do you want to do? (WDYWTD)” and RM match into one by replacing the OK button on the WDYWTD screen to Match from the second screen. (see pics 1 and 2)

When sharing and adding a FS individual to RM, combine the WDYWTD and the Reason for Change into one screen by adding the Reason entry box to the left of the OK and Cancel buttons. See pics 3 and 4

If I’m following this correctly, the Reason for Change box only shows up when you are adding/editing on FamilySearch. There would be no need for a Reason of Change statement when you are simply matching the RM person to FamilySearch.

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Correct. If it is the same dialog box, they could disable it when matching from FS and enable it when adding to FS.