Fact Type RM8: Creating New Fact and/or Role

Example of New Fact and Role that I want to create: Memorial/Funeral Service
Role: Principle
Sentence Template: A memorial service was held for [person] < [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.

My Problem:
“person” translates as Virginia Woodward , but I want Virginia W Smith [I have used this name in my Alternate Name Fact for Virginia Woodward

  1. what role should I create?
  2. Do I need to replace [person] in the sentence template with something else (how would I use alternate name)?
  1. No other role needed unless you share the event.
  2. There is no way to access an Alternate Name via a sentence template variable.

You could simply customize the sentence at the event to say exactly what you want without using variables.

Thank you so much, Tom!