Exporting a single family line

Is there a way to export a single family line out of my main file? I did it in RM7 once but I don’t remember how and can’t seem to figure it out in RM8.

You can when exporting via a GEDCOM file. When the GEDCOM Export Options box come up, open the People to Export drop-down box and choose “Select from List.” From there can choose a Family, or highlight one individual and choose Ancestors, or Descendents. There are many options in how to choose the family you want.

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I would suggest you look at how to create a group. There are options to add ancestors and/or descendants of a highlighted person to a group.

Once the group is complete you can go to the export data option and select the name of group you just created to export.

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Tried that - selected the two people I wanted to start the file with but didn’t get an option to select Ancestors or Descendants. Only created the gedcom of the two people I selected.

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When the RootsMagic Explorer search comes up, highlight the person or family you are interested in and click on the button named “Mark.” You should then see a variety of choices. See this screenshot.

You can refine your selection through the Mark and unmark groups. See this section of the Wiki help pages: RootsMagic Explorer Help pages

Thank you - I will try that. I just selected the two people - but didn’t “mark” them. :stuck_out_tongue: